Myanmar military using foreigners including Thais as human shields

FAW Jiefang CA-1122J military truck of Myanmar Army
FAW Jiefang CA-1122J military truck of Myanmar Army. Photo: TTL(Facebook). CC0 1.0.

Myanmar’s military junta has used foreigners including Thais as human shields in northeastern Shan State, where fighting the junta and an ethnic alliance is escalating, [Read More…]

Thai Activist Keeps his Promise to Let People Throw Feces at Him Following Political Promise Being Broken

Bangkok with heavy air pollution Picture taken from Thailand Creative and Design Centre (TCDC), overlooking the Sathon and Silom districts
Bangkok with heavy air pollution Picture taken from Thailand Creative and Design Centre (TCDC), overlooking the Sathon and Silom districts. Photo: Chainwit.

A Thai political activist and staunch supporter of the government party Pheu Thai held an event on Saturday where people threw human feces on his [Read More…]