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Thai Government ‘will heed’ His Majesty’s advice : PM Yingluck

His Majesty the King’s advice to build waterways to protect Bangkok and its suburbs from inundation will be taken into consideration as a long-term measure, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday. His Majesty had made this suggestion after the 1980 and 1995 deluges.

A committee overseeing the permanent drainage system will further study His Majesty’s advice, though for the short term, the government will concentrate on the rehabilitation of transport routes, she said.

Read more: The Nation


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  1. 1
    Lance Lewis

    As an educated engineer HM has been proposing the solution to country wide flooding for many years…the politicians for many years have ignored his recommendations and thus have shown him NO RESPECT…I doubt the current government
    will do anything any differnt but continue to pay lip service to their King……very sad.

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