Germany Halts Granting Asylum to Syrians En Masse

Police car in front of Cologne Central Station, Germany
Police car in front of Cologne Central Station a week after New Year's Eve 2015 sexual assaults by refugees in Germany. Photo: Superbass.

Decisions concerning asylum applications have allegedly been postponed for several weeks as German authorities are set to reassess the security situation in Syria, according to [Read More…]

German Gov’t Wants Helpers of Syrian Refugees to Pay Thousands of Euros

Liberals holding banners reading "One world - Refugees Welcome" during a pro-immigration demonstration in Europe
Liberals holding banners reading "One world - Refugees Welcome" during a demonstration pro-immigration in Europe. Photo: Ilias Bartolini / .flickr.

What was supposed to be a generous gesture is turning into a real financial nightmare for Germans who took on the responsibility of assisting Syrian [Read More…]