Four rallies go ahead despite new ban

Thai police using water cannon to disperse protesters on Rama I Road in Bangkok, beneath Siam BTS Station, on 16 October 2020
Thai police using water cannon to disperse protesters on Rama I Road in Bangkok, beneath Siam BTS Station, on 16 October 2020. Photo: Prachatai / Youtube. CC BY 3.0.

Hundreds of pro-democracy demonstrators gathered outside the Criminal Court on Saturday evening to call for the release of detained colleagues and the abolition of the [Read More…]

Facebook Bans Aussie News Outlets From Sharing Content as Pay-to-Post Dispute Heats up

Facebook Headquarters at 1 Hacker Way,
Facebook Headquarters at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025. Photo: Pexels.

Facebook’s ongoing standoff with the Australian government over the proposed news media code – a disputed piece of legislation that would force the social media [Read More…]