NATO warns of mobilization of ‘Belgorod’, the Russian submarine carrying the ‘Weapon of the Apocalypse’

A Russian nuclear-powered submarine returned to its home base in Kamchatka after completing training and combat missions at sea
A Russian nuclear-powered submarine returned to its home base in Kamchatka after completing training and combat missions at sea. Photo: Sergey Konovalov / Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. CC BY 4.0.

The NATO has sent an intelligence alert to its member countries warning of the mobilization of the Russian nuclear submarine named ‘K-329 Belgorod’, which carries [Read More…]

UK politician foresees nuclear Iran triggering new Middle Eastern cold war

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague has described a possibility of a new cold war in the Middle East due to the Iranian nuclear programme. United [Read More…]