Revelations of widespread corruption and cheating in Royal Thai Police examinations have been uncovered in the Thai press this week. Reports stipulate that numerous non-commissioned officers taking the commissioned officer examinations were paying for their pass grade and using an unnamed telephone receiver/transmission device to assist in cheating on the exam.
Thailand, the 24th of September 2010: According to official press releases, investigations into the alleged cheating and possible bribery had been ongoing for several months, with some 27 offenders arrested from Region 4 and Region 8 examinations.
Initially reports of the corrupt practices were uncovered to the media by Deputy Commander of the Region 8 Police Training Center (Surat Thani), Colonel Saman Chainarong. Col. Chainarong uncovered and arrested 16 offenders cheating on the annual promotional exams, while a further 28 devices used to propagate the scam were found hidden around the campus. The offenders were caught as investigators used transmission detection and prevention equipment to locate the devices and block their signal.
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There is surely a delicious irony in the Thai police force when they can complain about cheating in exams, which is widespread in every school and university in the land, while they ignore the perceived fact that the ‘Royal’ Thai Police Force controls a huge slice of organised crime in Thailand and a huge slice of revenue diversion (from traffic penalties to their own miserable pockets).
I really do wonder when Thais will finally awaken from their interminable nightmare and realise that countries pretending to be in the developed world simply do not allow this kind of behaviour.
But then it starts at the top I suppose, and works it’s way down.