Anonymous declares war on Putin and warns him of ‘unprecedented’ attacks

Hacktivist white mask
Anonymous hacktivist Guy Fawkes white mask.

The Anonymous collective has declared ‘cyberwar’ on Saturday to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the invasion of Ukraine, and warned that its government web infrastructure [Read More…]

Anonymous releases a full list of Sony’s discography

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

‘Hacktivists’ Anonymous group has published the discography of Sony as a reprisal by the closure of Megaupload, the online file sharing service, and support for [Read More…]

US government, music industry websites taken offline in web attack

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

The day after several major websites staged a mass blackout over proposed United States anti piracy legislation, namely the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and [Read More…]