‘P-move’ protesters resume march to demand civil, land rights

Protesters converged at the UNESCAP in Bangkok to demand climate justice
Protesters converged at the UNESCAP in Bangkok to demand climate justice. Photo: Shubert Ciencia. CC BY 2.0.

P-move demonstrators, who have been camping in front of the United Nations building on Ratchadamnoen Road for the past five days, resumed their protest march [Read More…]

Thailand’s October 14, 1973 student uprising commemorated

Several "exhibits" showing the Royal Thai Regalia on Ratchadamnoen Avenue in Bangkok in honour of the 60th anniversary of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej's ascension to the throne
Several "exhibits" showing the Royal Thai Regalia on Ratchadamnoen Avenue in Bangkok in honour of the 60th anniversary of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej's ascension to the throne. Photo: Heinrich Damm.

Former student leaders, politicians of both government and opposition camps, relatives of those who died, Christian, Islamic and Buddhist clerics and representatives of pro-democracy groups [Read More…]

Red-shirt followers gather in remembrance of 2010 violent crackdown

The Redshirts demonstrate at Democracy Monument in Bangkok on February 13, 2011
The Redshirts demonstrate at Democracy Monument in Bangkok. Photo: Ratchaprasong / flickr. CC BY-NC 2.0.

Followers of Thailand’s United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), or the red-shirt movement, assembled at the October 14th memorial, at the Kok Wua intersection [Read More…]

Portraits of Thai monarch on Ratchadamnoen Avenue vandalized after dispersal of ReDem protesters

Thai police water cannon at protest site
Thai police water cannon at protest site. Photo: Prachatai / Youtube. CC BY 3.0.

A long trail of damaged decorative plant pots and vandalized portraits of HM the King were strewn along Bangkok’s Ratchadamnoen Avenue, following the dispersal of [Read More…]