Tag: Ikea
Ikea has expansion plans in Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines
After the opening of its first pick-up and ordering point (PUP) in Asia yesterday in Phuket, Swedish furniture retailer Ikea has set its sights on [Read More…]
Muslim Asylum Seeker Beheads IKEA Shopper in Sweden
New Photo of what appears to be a beheading victim in IKEA indicates that the asylum seeking knife attackers were likely Muslims A Muslim asylum [Read More…]
Two slain in knife attack at Swedish IKEA furniture retailer
Two people were killed yesterday afternoon and another seriously injured in VästerÃ¥s, Sweden. The injured man is considered a suspect in the knife attack and [Read More…]
Ikea plans a very warm welcome for its first store in Thailand
The first Ikea store in Thailand and the biggest in Southeast Asia will celebrate its roof capping today from 6:30-9:30pm with a traditional Swedish party [Read More…]