EgyptAir debris, passenger belongings discovered, Pres. Sisi offers condolences to families

EgyptAir Flight 804
EgyptAir Airbus A320 on finals at Ataturk Airport. This aircraft was lost as EgyptAir Flight 804 on 19 May 2016. Photo: Mehmet Mustafa Celik.

The Egyptian Navy has found debris from Flight MS804 and some passengers’ belongings about 290km north of Alexandria, state TV reported. President Adbel Fattah al-Sisi [Read More…]

Malaysia to investigate suspected plane debris washed ashore on several Maldives islands

Maldives islands beach
A bright blue water comes from a beach in the Maldives. Photo: KingKurt22.

After published reports stated suspected plane debris washed up on several Maldives islands, Malaysia has stated it will send a team of investigators to examine [Read More…]