Explosion during mass in the Philippines kills at least 4 and injures more than 40

Map of Davao in Mindanao, Philippines
Map of Davao in Mindanao, Philippines. Image: Exec8. CC BY-SA 4.0.

The attack took place in a gymnasium at the University of Mindanao where Holy Mass was being celebrated and dozens of people were attending. Many of those in attendance were university students. Authorities have launched an operation to determine who was behind the attack, but the governor of Lanao del Sur, whose capital is Marawi, has described the incident as a “terrorist bomb attack”.

Philippines: Congress Votes to Extend Martial Law in Mindanao

Filipino muslims from Marawi
Filipino muslims from Marawi in in Iligan., Philippines. Photo: Angelo Dologmandin for Philippine Information Agency - Region 10.

The Philippine Congress on Saturday voted to extend President Rodrigo Duterte’s martial law for five months in the southern island of Mindanao, giving security officials [Read More…]