Tag: Cancer
New drug ‘puts cancer cells to sleep’

PanARMENIAN.Net – Melbourne scientists have revealed a new type of cancer treatment that doesn’t have the same harmful side-effects caused by conventional therapies, Newshub says. [Read More…]
Mor Saeng’s herbal medicine proven ineffective in killing cancer cells

Mor Saeng’s herbal medicine cannot stoop cancerous cells from spreading although it help boost the quality of life of cancer patients, according to the Public [Read More…]
Naresuan University unveils cancer-beating mango

Researchers at Phitsanulok-based Naresuan University have developed a mango that can reduce the risk of contracting some cancers. They’ve also devised a roll-on application for [Read More…]
Immunotherapy cancer drugs cleared by FDA

Three drugs in the immunotherapy class have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be used for treating cancer. Assoc Prof Narin [Read More…]
Liver cancer most commonly found in Thai people among all cancers
BANGKOK, 26 November 2015 (NNT) – The Medical Services Department has announced that liver cancer is the most commonly found cancer in Thai people. There [Read More…]
First Case of Cancer Triggered by Fukushima Recovery Confirmed in Japan

Japanese authorities have confirmed the first case of cancer due to radiation exposure of an employee of the Fukushima power plant, which suffered a meltdown [Read More…]
Cancerous substances in Bangkok air twice standard
BANGKOK, May 1 – Bangkok ranks 13th among Asian cities for its level of cancer-causing substances in the air, according to the National Institute of [Read More…]
Thai scientists unveiled mangosteens’ anti-cancer properties
Thai scientists, led by Professor Dr Pichaet Wiriyachitra, have unveiled their significant breakthrough on Monday, proving that concentrated extracts from mangosteens contain anti-cancer properties. Mangosteens [Read More…]