Tag: Great Firewall
China Steps Up Controls on Use of VPNs to Scale The Great Firewall
China’s top three internet service providers have been given until next February to prevent the country’s cell phone users from using circumvention tools to view [Read More…]
PM reiterates that single gateway is just an idea
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha reconfirmed that the controversial single internet gateway was just an idea under discussion and that the government had not taken any [Read More…]
Thai Netizens Stage ‘Virtual Sit-in’ Against Single Internet Gateway Plan
Several major government websites were forced offline in Thailand on September 30 when Internet activists organized tens of thousands of people to visit and refresh [Read More…]
Government backs off for now from single Internet gateway idea
THE GOVERNMENT has partly retreated from its controversial plan to merge the country’s Internet connections into a single gateway after widespread criticism and heavy pressure [Read More…]
ICT, CAT Telecom websites collapse after Thai Internet users joining force in DDoS attack
The websites of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and the CAT Telecom collapsed for several hours after Internet users joined forces to manually [Read More…]
Don’t fear Internet single gateway: ICT minister
The objective of the international-Internet single gateway initiative is not to enhance national security, but to help Internet businesses reduce costs by sharing a single [Read More…]
Government orders Great Firewall of Thailand
Thailand’s military government has ordered the creation of a great firewall of Thailand to control the flow of information on the Internet. General Prayuth’s cabinet [Read More…]
Some Chinese Surf Freely, for Now
A new web technology being championed by China is allowing a short-term gap in its so-called “Great Firewall,” which blocks Chinese Internet users from sites [Read More…]